The Tetso College Vision 2030


Create a meaningful connection towards preserving heritage, empowering indigenous communities and sustaining futures


Create an impactful educational environment that honors and integrates indigenous knowledge systems and prepares the student community to address global challenges through sustainable best practices


Contribute towards a transformative experience that centres community, connection, and collaboration with an emphasis on service, leadership, and global impact

Integration of Indigenous Knowledge and Education

  • Study and develop curriculum content that incorporates indigenous perspectives across various disciplines.
  • Build relationships and meaning collaborations with local indigenous communities and international experts in the respective fields to ensure excellence and relevance.

Community Engagement and Collaboration

  • Partner with members of the indigenous communities, social organisations, cultural associations, and knowledge keepers to identify ways to promote, preserve and engage with indigenous knowledge
  • Partner with faith based institutions and traditional bodies to engage and learn about grounded values and commitment to service.
  • Initiate community-led projects that will address sustainability issues based on indigenous practices.

Research and Documentation

  • Support research initiatives focusing on indigenous knowledge, documenting traditional practices, and exploring their applications in modern contexts.
  • Establish a dedicated center of learning to support, nurture, and disseminate  indigenous knowledge.

Cultural Competence and Sensitivity

  • Train educators and staff on cultural competence and sensitivity with the aim to build an inclusive and respectful learning environment.
  • Developing resources that can help students deepen their understanding of diverse cultural perspectives

Sustainable Campus Practices

  • Create an environment of sustainable consciousness within the educational institution which also incorporates indigenous principles of environmental stewardship
  • Reduce the ecological footprint of the institution by adopting special practices related to energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly infrastructure.

Global Awareness and Advocacy

  • Build  international partnerships to share and exchange indigenous knowledge on a global scale.
  • Sensitisation and advocacy efforts on issues related to protection of indigenous rights and knowledge at local, national, and international levels.


  • A Task Force for Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability to be constituted comprising of educators, government, community leaders and students
  • Development of a comprehensive training programme and orientation for educators and leaders, focussing on the importance of cultural competence and the incorporation of indigenous knowledge
  • Initiate dialogue with local indigenous communities to establish partnerships and co-create educational programs.


  • Graduates committed towards preservation of indigenous knowledge with a deeper understanding and stronger appreciation of heritage and culture. Graduates who can contribute to sustainable practices in their respective fields.
  • Strengthened partnerships with indigenous communities, fostering mutual respect and collaboration.
  • Repository of information on indigenous knowledge to serve as a resource for future generations.
  • Renowned as a leader in the integration of indigenous knowledge and sustainability in education.


Indicators to be used to evaluate the success of the Vision 2030 Document:

Indicator 1:

Regular assessments to measure the integration of indigenous knowledge into the curriculum.

Indicator 2: 

Review and evaluate community engagement initiatives and assess their impact on both the institution and the indigenous communities involved.

Indicator 3: 

Periodically conduct reviews of sustainability practices on campus, with the intention of continuous improvement.

Through this Vision 2030 project, Tetso College aims to create an enduring impact on education, indigenous knowledge preservation and sustainability practices as a means of paving the way for a harmonious and sustainable future.