Academically referred Tetso Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN 2319 – 2925) invites papers and articles for its seventh volume with a research theme of “Indigenous Perspectives on the North East.” Articles on this theme through an indigenous lens could include a range of topics from culture, economics, development, politics, governance and land.
The Journal is a peer reviewed annual publication of Tetso College, Dimapur, that provides an academic and policy platform for the scholars and practitioners to develop new theoretical perspectives, share revealing findings and exchange views. Articles on the current research theme should be grounded on, but not limited to the complex historical as well as post-colonial landscapes of the indigenous people of the North East region of India, for identifying their own ways and strategies of development and decolonization. Alternative paradigms, political discourses, worldviews, ontologies and epistemologies, as well as praxis will be encouraged to stimulate context sensitive exchanges pertinent to the intellectual traditions and empirical, cultural and theoretical realities with reference to the diverse people of the Northeast.
All submissions should have clear relevance to the ‘research theme’ broadly constructed. If a submitted article fails to fulfil the basic standards, the author will be informed of the editorial board’s decision. The article, if revised, may be considered for publication in a future edition. Articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by the experts with the understanding that the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Authors must strictly follow the 8th Edition of the Modern Language Association of America (MLA) Handbook while drafting their papers. The paper must range from 2000-5000 words (footnotes excluded). An abstract of not more than 300 words with minimum 6 Key-Words must also be submitted along with the paper, along with a brief profile of the writer.
Last date of submitting papers- 10.10.2018, Acceptance Notification- 20.10.2018,
Printing of issue- February 2019
Email your papers to: For more details visit
Authors of selected papers will be receiving a complimentary copy of the journal.
About Tetso Interdisciplinary Journal
Tetso Interdisciplinary Journal: Call for Papers