Organised by Department of Sociology, Tetso college, Dimapur

Theme: Stand Together Against Social Stigma

Social stigma is the extreme disapproval of a person or group on the ground of a particular characteristic which distinguishes them from others in society. Today, in our society, social stigma has created a metaphorical stain or mark on identity in terms of illness or diseases, religion, race, ethnicity, gender, skin tone, education, criminal attributes, addiction among many other issues. Moreover, people have been stigmatised on geographical, political and social grounds, being differentiated as less privileged, undesired, discredited from the normal or larger social dominant group. These issues have damaged the health, mental state and the well-being of the stigmatised groups. There is an urgent need to counter such prejudices and to raise a community that is empowered to bring changes and reduce stigma.

Through this slogan writing contest, the Department of Sociology, Tetso College, looks to provide a platform to voice against social stigma. It is our endeavour that this forum will raise awareness among participants but also, in a genuine way, create an impact on the many insecurities that people face due to social stigmatisation. The department hopes to achieve the followings objectives:

1. To create awareness in the society of what social stigma is.

2. To inculcate the idea of equality and empathy among diverse groups of communities.

Criteria for Slogan submission

Open to all students of Tetso college.

Entry for only original slogans.

Maximum entry per person will be one slogan.

Slogan must not exceed 20 words.

Last date of submission will be 4th June, 2020 (Thursday).

Result will be announced on 7th June, 2020 (Sunday).

Judging criteria

– Relevance to theme – 10

– Creativity (words used, structure) – 10

– Originality – 10

Email your entries to

The top 2 entries will be awarded with attractive Mobile Data plans.

For further queries, please contact:

+918575106485/ (Supongsangla walling)

+918732878302/ (Notsonu Pusa)