Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) Conference Query Form

Link to fill form:

We know that this is a very tough time for many of you. We have had to cope with unexpected changes to life and our classes. During this period of uncertainty, we felt it is necessary to reconnect online and hear from all stakeholders. Accordingly, we will be having our College assembly in a virtual format, which we will be referring to as our Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) Conference.

We believe it is important to have all stakeholders be a part of this conference. Therefore we would like to also invite your parents to attend this special assembly and also submit questions or suggestions if any by filling up this form (

All students are requested to attend the meeting along with a parent or guardian if they wish.

The primary reason we are here at Tetso is to create a positive impact in society by empowering people towards life-long excellence. With Covid-19 disrupting the entire world, our familiar patterns and routines will need to change. However, we will continue to provide support and tools to all our current students to attain the achievements that they deserve, like a top student around the world.

We look forward to hearing from you. See you all soon.

Kvulo Lorin

Dr. P. S. Lorin