Message from the Principal and Director

Dear Tetso Family,

Over two months have passed since the lockdown began. As we move into a period where Covid-19 continues to spread, the only thing we can probably expect is more uncertainty.  This will definitely disrupt the normal pattern of education as we know it.

We hope our community can remain positive and supportive of one another as we all undergo this extraordinary change.

While this pandemic has affected our normal way of functioning, we are pleased to say that it has not shut Tetso College down. We do believe Tetso College has been one of the most active institutes during this forced shutdown – in fact more active than many universities all over the country.

  • PG and Class 12 classes have continued as usual but through the online format

  • UG Classes completed their semester online and now have need-based remedial classes if required.

  • We have conducted 13 webinars as of writing this letter with even more in the pipeline. These webinars have widened our network with many professors from renowned universities as speakers and panelists.

  • Strengthened our digital competency by partnering with Coursera.

  • We have taken an active role in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic by designating our Tetso College Unity Village campus as a quarantine centre (the main campus in Sovima Village continues to remain functional and the girls’ hostel has been converted as a temporary staff hostel).

  • We are also looking at introducing a laptop rental system through our library with all necessary apps pre-installed for Tetso students who don’t have laptops but require one to complete assignments.

As we move into a new world order and follow the “new normal,” we believe it is a good time to position ourselves  to meet the challenges ahead of us. According to experts, we might be looking at anything from 2 – 4 years of life with Covid-19.  Now is the time to focus on a life that can thrive in spite of the presence of Covid-19 in our world.

What we cannot do is just watch the world go by.

Can we start the engines on the NSS club, NCC, Yi, dottalks, fastrack clubs, Photography Club, Tetso Motorcycle club etc. Start by thinking of ways to restart our activities in the online world. Or even if it’s not purely online, then maybe within their homes people can start something like a plant a tree challenge, fun gaming events that can enliven our communities wherever they may be. We already have a group of online Student Ambassadors to guide people online on how to take admission through our online portal. There are many ways we can get creative and we believe you have much more exciting ideas. Let’s look beyond the challenges and take advantage of our skill sets. Tetso students and staff are tech savvy enough to teach others how to do this.

Please feel free to share your feedback and suggestions to . We would like to hear from you.

Best Regards,


Dr. P.S. Lorin
Kvulo Lorin