Launching Tetso Interdisciplinary Journal (Vol 8) & Resonance (ebook)

We are excited to have launched two publications of Tetso College today during the Graduation Day event.


Resonance: A Tetso College Anthology of Art and Literature (ISBN 978-81-929456-5-1) is a publication by the Department of English, and is a collection of poetry, short stories, paintings, and photographs on the theme of nostalgia, in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the college. You can go ahead and download this ebook from the Tetso College website, under the Downloads tab. Alternatively, you can click here to download the ebook. The Department has also released a video of one of the poems included in the ebook, and you can watch this video by clicking on this link.


The Tetso Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN 2319 2925) is an annual research publication of Tetso College, and Volume 8 of this publication deals with research papers on the theme of Popular Culture. The four research papers constituting this issue of the Tetso Interdisciplinary Journal (TIJ) have been written for a diverse readership – and it seeks to conceive propositions of popular culture through the prism of academic paradigms, especially of the contemporary. The context of these writings have been supported by the issue of research in popular culture, thus, representing an affirmation that we are part of a society which is pervaded by the popular – in the media or even in print. A copy of the journal will be made available on the college website shortly.