Film Review Competition

TetsoCollege Film Review

Cinema, Film or a Movie is not just medium of entertainment but also a source of learning. Motion picture has been considered as a reflection of society. The academic value of movies of any genre cannot be ignored. We at TETSO COLLEGE strongly believe in the idea of multidimensional learning and therefore, we are proud to announce the Film Review Competition for the students of TETSO COLLEGE which will be organized on 28th February, 2019 to encourage them to be critical as well as receptive about the learning aspects of Movies.

Rules for Film Review Competition:
· A surprise film, with duration of not more than two hours, will be shown to participants. It can be of any era, any language, and of any genre.
· The film, if it is in a foreign language, will be shown with English subtitles only.
· Following the film, participants will be given sixty minutes to write, in English, a review of the film in no more than 500-700 words.
· Reviews do not need to adhere to any structure. A few guidelines will be given before the film begins.
· Any review containing colloquial expletives shall be disqualified.
· Any student can participate.
· Every participant has to register themselves in the registration desk before the event i.e before 10.00 AM
· Results will be announced within three days.
· The decision of the judges will be final.
For further details please contact:
Dr. Aniruddha Babar : 08692925420