Dr. Easterine Kire will be speaking on the art of writing and her life experiences. She will also be doing a reading on Son of the Thundercloud.
The session will be a special delight for all Nagaland University, 3rd Semester students who are currently studying her novel A Terrible Matriarchy, and will be followed by an interactive Q & A session.
So come meet, greet and interact with this famous Naga writer!
DOT Talks with Dr. Easterine Kire is open to all (non Tetso members included)
To reserve a seat, please sign up on the link here: https://goo.gl/DGqgpo
Or contact: 8692-925420 (Limited Seating)
#tetsocollege #striveforexcellence #dottalks
DOT Talks With Dr. Easterine Kire