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1. Dialogue of Cultures (11:00 am to 1:00 pm): Three speakers, one each of Naga (Tungshang Ningreichon), Mizo (V Sawmveli) and Indian mainland (Kalpana Sharma) origin in talks with a Meitei historian (Yengkhom Jilangamba) on how cultures have traditionally communicated with each other within the North East region as well as with the ‘mainland’. Who do we, as cultural entities, communicate with and how?
2. Three simultaneous workshops 2:00 pm onwards (post lunch): (a) Writing, art and journalism – Graphic novelist Parismita Singh and Journalist Tongam Rina will conduct this workshop on how to do journalism through mediums like art, in particular, the graphic novel or comic strip. How does one report on events of the day? How does one narrate a bigger story? How can you do this through the medium of art? How to make a graphic novel/comic strip to report a story? (b) Social media – How to use the platform of various social media effectively? Feminist, Activist, Entrepreneur and founder of ‘Feminism in India’, Japleen Pasricha, shows us through this workshop the tricks and tools of using social media to maximise the reach of your message.
And more.. #tetsocollege #striveforexcellence #Culturesofpeace #zubaan #morungexpress #hbfindia
Cultures of Peace