Call for Submissions from Writers & Scholars

Through the Ages: The Naga Condition

(ISBN 978-81-929456-7-5 e-resource book)

Through the Ages: The Naga Condition will be a peer-reviewed, e-resource book that will feature reflections and reinventions of various aspects of the Nagas and Nagaland.

The epistemic foundations that shaped Nagas and Nagaland since the post colonial era is a collective amalgam of historical, political, economic and psychological processes. It begins from the postcolonial era with the struggle of indigenous Nagas to stake a claim of self-determination whilst aspiring for a united Nagalim, through sociological and systemic configurations that were eventually adopted and adapted by Nagas, and the various discourses that emerged as a consequence of the interrelations between state, society and culture.

These experiences continue to hone and shape complex discourses in Naga society even today, as we live in an age of apparent paradox – where we revisit and interrogate our historical allegiance thereby breathing into them a sense of legitimacy in the 21st century while at the same time, being wary of their countercurrents.

At present, we are confronted with a global pandemic that will determinedly alter the structure of society and the systems we have prescribed as “normal”. The disruptions in our accepted notions of the “normal” will reshape how we live our lives and the systems that sustain our processes. Within academia, and in the social sciences in particular, scholars had already begun studying possible permutations and alternatives to established social and cultural systems. Examining the past political, socio-cultural practices and economic conditions of Nagaland, it becomes imperative for us to unlock these strands of thought and the implications they have in defining contemporary Naga identity.

Given this precarious situation, the e-resource book is an attempt to uncover the nature of the discourses surrounding contemporary Nagas and Nagaland, and in particular, the way forward. This book also invites critical perspectives beyond academia, from journalists and other researchers and experts in other fields. Keeping this in mind, the concept note has been designed to encapsulate a varied approach that throws light on every aspect of the Naga lived reality:

Abstracts of not more than 250 words dealing with any of the topics below can be submitted to the mentioned email ID:

  1. Redefining mnemonic realities: Studies on Social, Historical, and Cultural aspects of Naga life gleaned from folklore, folk arts, social folk custom, folk music, folk cooking and more.

  2. Aspects of Language and Linguistic peculiarities

  3. Education: aspects of education that throw light on the existing lacunae in the Naga context.

  4. Politics & Leadership: Reflections on strategic planning and events that fostered mark(ed) disruptions in historically established governance and political processes; On Naga political systems – from traditional forms to modern exigencies

  5. Economics and Entrepreneurship and its role in Society

  6. Women Empowerment and Feminism

  7. Psychological avenues and states of being



Submission of Abstract (with keywords) : 15th August 2020

Submission of Full Paper (after acceptance) : 31st October 2020

Your submissions may be emailed to

* Hard copies of the book will be made available on order.