I am delighted to learn that Tetso College, Dimapur, will be celebrating 25 years of its existence and to mark the occasion a souvenir book is being published. It is indeed a milestone for the college – a time for celebration as well as reflection, so that it is well prepared to face bigger challenges and reach greater heights.
Over the last 25 years, the institution has grown exponentially and provided quality and holistic education to students from all sections of society. The college has been keeping up with its motto “Strive for excellence” since it has been constantly securing university ranks, which is praiseworthy.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the teachers for the job well done because for an institution to prosper, it is not only the quality of students but also the efforts made by the enthusiastic, selfless and sincere teaching faculty. Teachers impart not only academic knowledge but also inspire students to become better human beings.
On this special occasion, I convey my warm wishes to the principal, students, teachers, staff and silver jubilee planning committee. It is my prayer that the college will continue to climb the ladder of success in years to come.

It gives me immense joy to learn that Tetso College is celebrating 25th anniversary in the first week of November 2020. On attaining this remarkable milestone, with a thankful heart to our Almighty God, I sincerely convey warm greetings and blessings of the Council of Rengma Baptist Churches in Jesus’ name.
Tetso college is indeed a success story! This is definitely the doing of the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes. Within a span of 25 years, Tetso has spiral up to a commendable level of progression. It has scaled up to its maximum potential to deliver quality education and has geared up with all it takes to be a model university. It is quite palpable that Tetso has relentlessly worked so hard to build a conducive environment to nurture passionate learners and prospective citizens. I can confidently assert that Tetso is one of the most progressive colleges in the whole North East states and beyond. We are indeed proud to be part of the Vision ‘To create a positive impact in the world’ and the Mission ‘To empower people toward life-long excellence’. We pray that Tetso will continue to persistently grow from strength to strength to be the light and a model in the academic sphere. Be assured that prayers of churches are behind the college.
Heartiest congratulations to the Principal, staff, students and the entire Tetso family on attaining this significant landmark in educational mission. I sincerely wish this 25th anniversary celebration a grand success for God’s glory.

I am immensely happy to learn that Tetso College is celebrating its 25th year of continuous success in the field of education today.
It is noteworthy to know that the institute considers the Vision ‘To create a positive impact in the world’ and the Mission ‘To empower people towards life-long excellence’ by nurturing the young minds as sensitive people with strong values whose individual achievements will help to strengthen the very fabric of our society at large.
This 25th Anniversary is both an occasion for thanksgiving and commitment to face the new challenges of life. I extend my warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Principal, faculty, staff and students of Tetso College on this special occasion and hope the legacy of success continues even in years to come.

I am pleased to know that the Testa College is completing 25 years of its existence. The College has created a new quality niche in land of Nagaland and I am happy to know that many testocian have created a remarkable achievements in their life, college has created a positive impact in the North East Region and many students have empowered themselves with lifelong learning.
I am happy to note that college is sponsored by the Council of Rengma Baptist Churches (CRBC) and having the programme in the UG and PG, during the last 25 years many students of testo college have successfully emerged as good student. Student also technologically upgraded themselves and I take its opportunity to congrulate the Principal Dr. P. S. Lorin for his untired efforts for making the college one of the best in the North Eastern Region.
My Congrulations to all the faculty members and students who have been part of Testa College.

I am delighted to know that Tetso College, Dimapur (Nagaland) is going to celebrate its 251h anniversary virtually in the first week of November, 2020.
25 years’ journey in the annals of an educational institution is a major milestone and a solemn occasion for review and reflection. The role of education can hardly be overstated in the transformation of a society and the nation. Tetso College was established in 1994 with the vision ‘To create a positive impact in the world’ and the mission ‘To empower people towards life-long excellence’.
It gives me immense pleasure that the college has secured several gold medals in the Nagaland University Examination and has consistently produced good results. It is heartening to note that the college is also publishing a souvenir to mark the occasion. I believe that the souvenir will cover the glorious journey of the institution by capturing the memorable moments and will roll out its vision to meet the challenges and requirements of the 21 si century as an institution of excellence.
Our government, led by the visionary and inspiring leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, is acclaimed for enunciating public policies and implementing them following the principle of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’. There has been a long felt need for bringing a new National Education Policy over the last three decades and up which was accentuating as the years rolled by with the arrival disruptive technologies, pernicious consequences of climate change, depleting natural resources, the widening hiatus between the educated unemployed and the dearth of employable persons, extremely stressful examination system, inability of the extant education system to imbue the students with Indian ethics and constitutional morality, the felt need for promoting cognitive capacities and critical thinking in the students and the need to make education inclusive and accessible and capable of meeting the aspirational needs of the 21 si century.
It is in this backdrop that the much awaited NEP has been brought out after 34 years and was prepared and announced after extensive countrywide deliberations. It is a holistic, comprehensive, lofty, futuristic and yet pragmatic, broad based and flexible, inclusive and grounded in equity and justice and, above all, catalytic in content. Once implemented, it will secure the future of our new generations, meet their aspirational needs and transform India into a global knowledge hub.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the principal, the vice principal, the teachers, the students and other staff of the college on this memorable occasion and wish them all round growth and development.

I extend my happiness and congratulate the Tetso College for observing its 25th year anniversary in the first week of November 2020 virtually and bringing out a Souvenir to highlight its activities and achievements.
It is to be mentioned here that I have been given the opportunity to be involved in a small way since the beginning of its establishment and I know how the college started.
The college started with a humble beginning by Dr. P.S. Lorin in 1994 with his big vision to create a positive impact in the world and the mission to empower people towards life- long excellence. During 25 years, the college has changed tremendously from thatch houses to palatial buildings and achieved progress in many ways in deferent disciplines in the field of education, produced several gold medals in the Nagaland University examination and has consistently produced good results. By the grace of God the dream and the vision of Dr. P.S. Lorin has became a reality and now the Tetso College has become one of the best colleges amongst the private colleges under Nagaland University accredited by NAAC having all modern required amenities. I praise God for His marvelous blessings bestowed upon this college to this stage.
I hope the Souvenir will not only serve the purpose for which it is being published but will also be used as a model by many in the future. And to that end I wish the Tetso college all the best.

It is a pleasure to learn that Tetso College is Celebrating its 25th Anniversary on 4th December, 2020. I heartily congratulate the College fraternity for completing 25 years in striving for excellence in the field of education.
The laudable performance and growth of the institute from its humble beginning is truly a manifestation of God’s love. As an alumni, I have experienced and have credentials of the role played by the institute in empowering and moulding up numerous responsible individuals for our society.
Embracing education is not merely acquiring knowledge and a degree but it must inculcate in the learner, imbibing positive attitude and values of life. Swami Vivekananda quoted that, ‘We need a life-building, human-making and character building education’. Therefore, I implore upon the students community to seek a holistic education which will prepares us to meet the challenges oflife and excellence academically.
I am confident that the College with its mission, ‘To empower people towards life-long excellence’, will strive for higher achievements. May this Celebration mark the journey of a million milestone in imparting excellent education and in building a prospective future. I pray that the College will progress ahead to become one of the best educational institute for our society.

I am indeed glad to know that Tetso College, Dimapur, Nagaland is celebrating its “25th Anniversary” during November 2020 and that a souvenir is being brought out on this auspicious occasion. I congratulate all those who have made the successes of this college possible to this day.
Higher education sector is expanding rapidly with manifold increases in terms of number of institutions and people accessing higher education. It is important to maintain the quality during this rapid expansion.
On this auspicious occasion, I extend my best wishes to .the Principal, Staff, Organizers and the Students of the College. I hope that the College will achieve excellence in all its endeavours and will have a glorious future.

It is my pleasure to congratulate all the stakeholders of Tetso College, Sovima who have been associated in the journey of success for the last 25 years and enabling this institute to be at this height.
It is heartening to note that the college established with a vision ‘to create a positive impact in the world’ has reached this milestone and who is
today empowering the lives of many students to e4cel. It is the alma mater of hundreds of successful men and women who are contributing to nation building.
I am confident that the college administration who have nurtured a harmonious relationship of trust and respect among the various stakeholders will continue to strive more to usher in an atmosphere conducive to promote innovative ideas and take the institution to a higher level. Let us all join hands together to have institutions where children are taught how to think, not what to think in pursuit of excellence. Equipping our young to face the future with confidence and fortitude should be our goal.
Lastly, I extend my warm greetings to the management, faculty, students and alumni of the college on this joyous occasion.

Nagaland College Principals Association (NCPA)
TETSO means ‘Top’ in the indigeneous Rengma Naga language, I am told. Congratulations to Tetso College for being able to carry your name literally in every sense of the word. It takes courage, kindness, love and sincerity to be a major player in the educational arena, even in Nagaland. And it is no mean feat that one reaches the 25th Anniversary, gradually but successfully. Therefore, on the auspicious occasion, Nagaland College Principals Association (NCPA) heartily congratulates Dr. P.S. Lorin, Principal & Proprietor, Dr. Hewasa Lorin, Vice Principal, Mr. Kvulo Lorin, Director, Staff & Teaching Faculty, Students and Stakeholders of Tetso College. May your reaching the 25th milestone be the beginning of many more luminous milestones, in days and years to come!

It gives me great pleasure to learn that Tetso College, Sovima is bringing out a souvenir to commemorate 25 years of its foundation in the first week of November 2020, and indeed the occasion calls for celebration as the college has been the backbone of higher education in the state for the past 25 years.
God has been faithful to the college just as the principal and the management of the college has been faithful in dispensing their services to humanity these past few decades.
On this momentous occasion, I extend my warm greetings to the principal, faculty, staff, students and alumni of Tetso College and express my wish that the college would continue to grow as a centre of excellence in the state.

Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services
Women Resource Development, Nagaland
I am delighted to learn that Tetso College has completed 25 years of service to the student community and will be celebrating Silver Jubilee in the month of December. 2020 virtually.
Looking back, the college had a humble beginning with tha1ched house but with time it has transfom1ed into an institute with one of the best faculty staffs. infrastructures and equally successful alumni.
My heartiest congratulation to Dr. P.S Lorin, the Founder and Principal .. his family for having the vision and dedication to impart quality education to our students and also to the teaching and non-teaching staffs for their commitment in the upliftment of this institute, true to its motto “Strive for excellence ..
I wish the Testo College family all success as they continue to mould and shape the young minds into responsible citizens and leaders.

Board of Director, Tetso college
I am privileged to comment with few words on this auspicious occasion of the 25th Anniversary celebration of Tetso college on the first week of November 2020. I congratulate Tetso college for all the progress that has been made thus far.
The journey of Tetso college as I know was not comfortable at the beginning yet the spirit behind the venture was not lacking as financial constraint was.
The college authority very wisely allowed God to first lead the hard journey by placing it under the sponsorship of “The Council of All Rengma Baptist churches”.
Subsequently, the services of a chaplain had been installed to further strengthen the spiritual veins of the college, especially the hostellers for excellence in all.
The college is running with no regrets because of the spirit of fairness in all respect. The college is confident for onward progress. All around basic needs for the college are sufficiently provided for studies and personality development.
The college management and teaching faculties are not lacking in any manner. The present progress is highly estimable and confident to continue progressive.
The spiritual value is placed on top, yet the human value is never underestimated in any field provided. I believe and pray that God will uphold the college to progress to the end. My deepest wish for Tetso college is to be a blessing to all concerned for a better life.

Board of Directors
Tetso College
I am delighted to welcome the commemorative Souvenir to mark the 25th Anniversary of Tetso College. The concept of bringing out a souvenir in the form of a pictorial and descriptive compendium portraying the various facets of Tetso College, since inception to date, is a vibrant attempt of the editorial team. I have had the privilege of being associated with the college since the beginning and when I look back and recount, I remember what the college was then and how it has now turned into a well-planned, serene and picturesque campus having the most modern infrastructural facilities.
Years have turned into decades and the saga of Tetso College in this two and a half decades explicit the vision of Dr. P.S. Lorin of having a world class education hub back home. He has pragmatically promoted and transformed it into a centre of excellence in higher education, despite the many challenges along this journey. The evolution of academic excellence, advanced technology in teaching and learning, creating modern infrastructures signify the institutional level of excellence.
On this jubilant occasion I would also like to congratulate all the past and present faculty, administrative and supporting staff, students, parents and many others for their immeasurable inputs towards the growth of the college. I also thank all hands that made this decadal tribute in the form of Souvenir Possible.

Tenyiphe Village Council
I feel very delighted and privileged to be given this opportunity to be a part of the 25th year Anniversary Celebration of Tetso College, Sovima Village.
Tetso College have given a lot in terms of Education, opportunities, employments, etc. to the students, Sovima Village and many neighbouring rural _ villages. And today they have achieved a big milestone because of all the hardworks of the Management, Principal, Lecturers, Faculty & Staff and Students.
My best wishes and regards to Tetso College and everyone who have being a part of this celebration to achieve greater heights, future endeavors and success in every field.

Chairman , University Grants Commission
New Delhi
I am pleased to know that Tetso College, Dimapur, Nagaland, will be completing 25 years of glorious service in the field of education in October, 2020 and the College is planning to celebrate its Silver Jubilee in October, 2020. Celebration of the Silver Jubilee Year of an institution is a historic occasion and marks the realization of dreams of the founding fathers of the institution. To commemorate this occasion, the College is planning to publish a Souvenir showcasing the 25 years’ journey of the College.
I extend my best wishes and greetings to the Management, Principal, VicePrincipal, members of the Executive Council and Academic Council, teaching and non-teaching staff, the students, the alumni and well-wishers for joining hands in providing quality education. On this landmark occasion of their efforts, I congratulate them and wish the Silver Jubilee Celebration a grand success.

Council Chairman
On behalf of the UNITY VILLAGE COUNCIL and all its members I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the TETSO COLLEGE on achieving the milestone of celebrating your 25tl\ year anniversary. It is indeed a great joy to share your legitimate happiness and sense of pride.
Indeed, 25 years is worth celebration as it represents your solidarity, as well as a felicitation of the perceptiveness of the pioneers and all the past staff of the college who had invested their tireless efforts, will power and belief in God to make this college and its works an instrument of advancement.
In the strength of the glorious past that is yours and with a sense of legitimate pride, you can look in to the future with confidence as you forge ahead. May god give you clear vision of your mission and all that involves younger generation to step into the 21st century and may TETSO COLEGE continue to empower people towards lifelong excellence. I wish the celebration all success.

Sushma Biswakarma,
BCom, Accounting and Finance Hons & NBSE HSSLC Com 2019, Rank 7
(graduating batch of 2022)
I chose Tetso College as it is the topmost college in Nagaland. It’s a privilege for me to study in Tetso College as the college not only provides excellent education, but also provides a platform for the students to discover and express their talents in different fields.
The Bachelor of Commerce aims to provide students with the knowledge, tools of analysis and skills with which to understand and participate in the modern business and economic world to prepare them for subsequent graduate studies and to achieve success in their professional careers.

Inato Aye
BBA (graduating batch of 2021)
I was in a dilemma about which college to study after the completion of my higher secondary studies. The question that bothered me in the process of selecting the right educational institution were, the inclusion of technology in learning, the opportunity of improving my skills both practically and theoretically, the opportunity of publication that will help me improve my writing skills and help me voice out my thoughts on different areas, the infrastructure and the environment that will have a huge influence in my studies, the results that is being produced by the students of that particular college and most importantly the teachers who will not only teach but also motivate the students whenever they need so that each and every students excel and learn at the same time.
The answer to all my questions was probably all right in front of me as I took up commerce in my higher secondary in Tetso College itself. The advantages or the reasons that you will find in this article on why one should join tetso college, is completely based on my experience as a Tetso student for four years.
The first thing that any student can expect to see and notice once they enter the Tetso College campus is the vastly modernized infrastructure and the environment that has been developed and maintained to meet the expectation of the students in shaping their future. The infrastructure is one of the finest that any student can find within Nagaland, with some being the Tech Square containing the main office and one of the important doors to help improve the knowledge of every individuals i.e the library itself with a huge collection of books that can fit people with different tastes, a large amphitheatre where events are held, a badminton stadium which is one of the largest that one can find in Nagaland and below which there is a fully equipped gym that can be used by the students of the college to maintain one’s physique and health, the Hotspot Cafeteria where you can find the things that satisfies your hunger, and finally the academic building which is well set up housing the rooms where classes are to be held. Apart from that the hostels are also present for both boys and girls and the attraction lies in the huge building accompanied by the well adjustable rooms also with different facilities being provided to the hostellers.
At Tetso “opportunity is all around you, you just have to knock the door and it’s yours”
If you are someone who is truly determined on carrying out the duties of a student to achieve something, at Tetso you will find yourself face to face with opportunities which includes the Degree of Thought (DOT) which is a weekly publication of articles in partnership with the newspaper Morung Express, Litbits on DOT Talks, an online weekly publication by Tetso College featuring prose, poetry, fiction and articles submitted by students and others all over the world. Inter college events are also organized by the College which includes Pow-wow, one of the largest festivals where different colleges come together to compete, learn and excel. Comfiesta festival is another annual fest organized by the Department of Commerce and Management, also one of the largest commerce and management festivals in Nagaland. Different inter and intra events are also being held by different departments to help students build up the spirit of competition while at the same time learn. One can also expect to be accompanied by the usage of technology in learning with Tetso College being known to be the first college to hold a virtual Parents, Teachers and Students Conference meeting and also carry out online classes. Powerpoint presentation, the usage of Google Classrooms, email for all the different students where mails or information are being sent and also payment of fees is done online at the click of a button if you have a smartphone. If one wishes to take up commerce and management an individual can expect industrial visits and internships which will improve your skills practically to which I would also urge all the parents and students to take up the study of commerce and management, and break the myth which still exists in the society that commerce is only for students who are good in math.
To conclude I have saved the best for the last- the main asset to any educational institution, the factor that has been positively contributing in producing gold medalists and university ranks from Tetso College, and one of the huge motivational contributors to any student, is the teachers. At Tetso, you will find not only qualified and experienced teachers but above all you will find hardworking individuals who sacrifice, teachers who can be friends yet can also make sure that his/her students are on the right track and are ready to help you 24/7, which every individual Tetso student can vouch on.
So why go anywhere else, when you have one of the finest educational institutions right in front of you.

Asoienla Lkr
B.A. Eng Hons (graduating batch of 2020)
“The reason I chose Tetso was because I was certain that this college would give me the quality education that is needed and equip me with the best possible educational tools. Also, I was looking for 3 best years of college life which I can proudly say I had.”
Confused and puzzled, I stepped in at Tetso at my friends request to get the form and prospectus for her. But the moment I stepped in, I was taken aback by its ambience. “WOW!” was the first word I uttered the moment I saw Tetso. It indeed is a wonder. At that very moment without a second thought I called my parents and asked if I could join Tetso.
To my surprise, they happily accepted what I chose. With the form and prospectus in hand, I rushed back home. My friend, who was supposed to get the form for her did not get it, rather I, who came with zero intention, got the form.
The admission process took one whole day with lots of things to be done, such as creating my Tetso e-mail, filling up the form for the bus and a lot more. After the admission was done, it was a direct vacation for one whole month. I was restless and excited to experience the new phase called “college life”.
My first semester at Tetso was probably filled with a lot of confusion. Confused, as the routine was way too difficult for me to understand. To add more was the shuffling of classes every 45 minutes. Sigh! It was tiring. But Tetso was quite different. It was a huge task for me to cope with and it took a good amount of time. Friends and teachers helped a lot in adjusting to the new environment.
By the second semester, I was a lot more familiar with the system. I was able to read the class routine clearly. I was able to decipher the places clearly only because my friends helped me with it. We explored the college to the fullest in the first year. We visited the Hotspot, the Tetso Arena, Hive, Library where less time was given to books and more on gossip. We were basically the daily tourists of Tetso for the first year.
The third semester (beginning of the second year) started with a real kick. My friends and I almost tripped the first day of the class in Hall 3 (now B1). The third semester was more fun than the first two semesters because by that time, I got to know a lot of my classmates from both the Honours and General papers. Some were extroverts, some completely introverts and some with a mixture of both i.e., ambivert.
Third semester was the actual year of stepping out of my comfort zone. Least comfortable in public, I, along with my friends decided to participate in the folk song competition at Summer Fest 2018. To our group’s surprise we bagged the 2nd place in the competition. Not forgetting the wonderful Drama week. Third semester was all about fun and experimentation.
Fourth semester was a little bit more serious only because the exam papers were going to be externally evaluated. But my friends and I knew exactly how to have fun. Hotspot was always our hangout area since first semester, but the attachment to this place grew more in this semester. Our group will mostly be found there either filling our tummies or gossiping and sometimes completing tasks assigned by the teachers- class work. ‘Hectic yet fun’ would best define the semester.
Fifth semester marked the “Beginning of the End”. My last year at Tetso. The teachers told us that “These three years will pass within the blink of an eye”. Then I thought, three years? That’s quite long. But I was wrong. Even I didn’t realise when the two years had passed by and I was left with just a year in hand to make every moment count. So to say, life actually happened after fifth semester.
Fifth semester also blessed me with teachers I take pride in. They have helped me realise that I can achieve great things. All I have learned from them is that hard work is the key and that one should never give up trying. There was a time I thought of giving up in a particular paper but the particular subject teacher said, “How can you give up when the actual exam hasn’t started yet?” These words really ignited the fire in me. Just a ‘Thank you!’ will not be enough for that encouragement.
With the end of fifth semester, I realised that there is only six months left to be in the college. Well, sixth semester made me realise how much I’m going to miss the college. The love and support I got from friends and teachers is something that cannot be described. It’s a real bliss. The highlight of the sixth semester was the TRIP 2019. The amount of craziness, fun and enjoyment I had is something that’ll be treasured for a lifetime. There I became friends with many other students. The bonding between the teachers and the students became stronger in those nine 9 days.
Sixth semester holds a very special place as the semester carries a lot of sentimental value. The friendships that I made in college life is the most important aspect. The friends that I made here will give me strength and will be my knights in shining armour for life.
Life at college is the time when one dives deep into the ocean of new beginnings and possibilities. College life is a mish-mash of experience. This period has equipped me for all the challenges that I’ll be facing in my life. The beauty of college will stay with me even years later. When I see the pictures of college life in about five to ten years from now, I’m certain that I’ll land up smiling reminiscing all about the funny, crazy and weird moments I had.

Chubamenla Longkumer
B.A Eng Hons (graduating batch of 2020)
I had heard from a lot of people about how good the English program was at Tetso and how the College had a very good environment, and of course my choice to study here also had the influence of my friends and family but three years at Tetso has proven that my choice was not a mistake. It has been an amazing journey that has taken me from the grassroots to the “top”. I’ve been involved in many activities be it big or small and I believe I have grown not just as a person but as a human being. So why Tetso? To become the person I am today, the person who will “Strive for Excellence” in every field.
Like they say, the size of shark depends on its environment, Tetso has provided us with the ocean of opportunities which has allowed us to grow into the great sharks we ought to be. As the motto of the college says, “Strive for Excellence”, it has done just that and I believe, a tad more..

Suduvezo Rhakho
B.Com (graduating batch of 2021)
Well I joined Tetso College because it is really difficult to find a good and constantly growing college offering commerce stream.
Other than that, I joined Tetso College because of the technology available and also because of its advancement in the educational field which can eventually help students to cope and compete with the rest of the world.
Tetso College has secured Gold medalists in the Nagaland University UG Exams for the past few years and has been making its name in the State as well as outside the State.
I thought it would be best for me to choose Tetso College if I were to study in Nagaland and so here I am today Striving for Excellence everyday.

Soreithing Ramror
B.A. Pol Science hons (graduating batch of 2020)
“To pursue a study is not just a mere degree but it all starts from choosing the right school or college specific qualities you want. Tetso College being one of the most reputed colleges in Nagaland with fast growing avenues, opportunities are explored more than the academic facilities. With a good infrastructure and a vast library, extra and co curricular activities and with the latest technology orientated, I couldn’t choose any better college than Tetso in Nagaland.
It focuses on all round development and stresses on their motto in letting students strive towards excellence and encourages us to make a positive impact in the world.”
Student Speak
Valedictorian Expression (Postgraduate)
Sneha Gupta
MA English
Topper – 2021
Valedictorian Expression (Undergraduate)
Inato Aye
Department of Commerce and Management
Topper – 2021
Topper’s Speech (Undergraduate)
BCom Accounting & Finance
Topper – 2021
Topper’s Speech (Undergraduate)
Cynthia Zeuzeule
Topper – 2021
Topper’s Speech (Undergraduate)
Akuminla Pongetsür
Topper – 2021
Valedictorian Expression (Higher Secondary)
Milleni Chisho
Class Topper
Student of the Year 2020 (Undergraduate)
Ningtoulung Gangmei
4th Semester
Student of the Year 2019 (Higher Secondary)
Iziedile Ngia
Class 12
Valedictorian Speech (Undergraduate)
Winsome Sitlhou
BA English
Topper- 2021