Letter to Tetso College

Dear Tetso family,

As we gear up to start classes for the new Academic year 2020, we as members of the Tetso Family must be grateful for many things in spite of Covid 19 pandemic. We are happy that we have been able to strengthen our online system which we believe is one of the most advanced in our region if not the country. More features will be added in the coming days as we transition to a more robust digital system. 

Life will go on. I do believe that our capability at Tetso College to “hope” and “be positive” is a key defining characteristic that pushes us to overcome challenges, adapt to change, survive and eventually thrive in any environment. 

Our lives have been affected in ways no one could have predicted. We can react to this in two ways. 

  1. We can either pine over the things we are not able to do anymore. 
  2. We can focus on all the things that we can still do 

We can still communicate and interact and share our ideas, dreams and lives. We are still able to speak to our loved ones. We are still able to learn. We can still sing and dance and share our poems, writings and communicate with the rest of the world. 

Let us remember that difficulties and even good times are both only temporary. Life is about learning to deal with both situations. 

  • If you were able to take admission here at Tetso College then congratulations, there are many who found the online process too difficult, gave up and took admission in the closest institute
  • If you are able to attend online classes, be grateful because there are millions of students around the world who do not even have access to these facilities.
  • If you have a job, then be grateful because jobs are going to become scarce and the economy is suffering

There is an enormous responsibility placed upon each of us now. You are now responsible for your own learning. Your teacher cannot keep coming to your desks to see if you are paying attention or not. Nor will anyone be able check if you read your assignments or are paying attention when your camera is off. 

There is a huge responsibility on all of you to empower yourself to be able to create a positive impact in the world. But before you can change the world, you first need to prove that you can change yourself. The person you are today will not be the same person who graduates from Tetso College tomorrow. But it is how you use your time in the coming days that will define who you are when the time comes for you to lead society and our world. 

I wish all of you good luck and hope that you will strive to be the best you can be. 

Strive for excellence. Dream. Think. Do.  


Best Regards,

Kvulo Lorin