DOT Talks Webinar Series on ‘Cultivating Positive Mental Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic’ with Nouzhienino Peseyie

In what is being termed as World War ‘C’, the COVID-19 Pandemic has catapulted human society into a new existence amidst social distancing and uncertainty. The onslaught of negativity and anxiety brought in by dramatized news reports, cessation of normal activity, racism, unsubstantiated social media forwards (among others) threatens the mental health of individuals.

Hence, the second DOT Talks Webinar Series held on 23rd April 2020 witnessed Nouzhienino Peseyie, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Tetso College, disseminate practical and theoretical information on how to cultivate positive mental health in order to prevent anxiety, worry, and depression, and help the individual be an asset for one’s family and society.

The interactive online session held via Google Meet was open for students from all classes of Tetso College.

The resource person who has completed her Masters of Science in Counselling Psychology and currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology at Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, initiated the session by explaining that mental health is defined as ‘the state of mind that is characterized by our psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing.’ She stressed upon the fact that positive mental health is imperative because suppressed feelings or thoughts can take a toll on physical health as well and cause stress, anxiety, and depression.

Therefore, in order to cultivate a healthy mind and stay positive, Peseyie suggested certain steps or practical applications that one can exercise and incorporate into our day to day lives. One such measure is to limit screen exposure, especially mobile phones, she said. Easily accessible but bombarded with unsubstantiated news and copy-pasted forwarded messages on social media platforms can trigger anxiety and thus leading to depression, the expert maintained while advising students to subscribe to a single genuine news source. Spending time with your family can help one occupied and restrain from fiddling with phones excessively, she added.

Another technique that can be inculcated is the ‘Positive Statement Technique.’ Here, a person identifies negative thoughts/feelings she or he might have, and using a pen and paper, jots down the complete opposite of the aforementioned thoughts i.e. positive thoughts. By speaking aloud the written statements, Peseyie asserts, one can overcome feelings of negativity and begin to channel a positive outlook.

Some other applications that were suggested included journaling and spending time in natural surroundings as these can soothe the mind. Before the close of the session, the resource person also took the time out to respond to some of the questions posed by students.