DOT Talks: Sakhi 181

DOT Talks: Sakhi '181'

Government of Nagaland launched the women helpline number ‘181’ in Dimapur and inaugurated ‘Sakhi – One Stop Centre’, an institute that supports women affected by violence. The helpline and centre are aimed to provide integrated assistance, medical, legal and psychological counselling to women affected by violence.
Tetso college is immensely proud to have two representatives of ‘SAKHI 181’, Miss Vitsino Iralu (Call Responder) and Miss Chothalu Phesa-O (Senior Call Responder) of Women Helpline ‘181’ as speakers for DOT TALKS who will be speaking on “Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention& Prohibition) Act, 2013 and Complaint redressal mechanism of the Act through SAKHI 181”
Date: 19th March, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: Tetso College Auditorium