SC/ST Cell

The  SC / ST cell unit of Tetso College aims to promote and facilitate the welfare and development of students belonging to the marginalized communities of Scheduled Caste( SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST). The cell unit also directs to address the specific needs and concerns of these communities and to ensure that the academic and social integration within the college environment is safeguarded. 

Some of the key objectives of the SC/ ST cell includes:

  1. To provide guidance and support to SC and ST students, helping them navigate the challenges the communities might face in the higher education.
  2. To create an inclusive and discrimination free environment on campus to ensure that the students from these communities feel welcome and valued.
  3. To serve a platform for SC / ST students so, as to report and resolve any grievances related to discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment, ensuring their rights are protected.
  4. To promote awareness about any SC/ ST scholarship or related welfare schemes so that students from these communities can access scholarships, financial ad and other forms of assistance.
  5. The cell also aims at providing counseling and career guidance to help the SC/ ST students make informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.
  6. To organize workshops, seminars and awareness campaigns to educate the college community about the issues and challenges faced by SC/ST students.

Cell members:

  1. Sir. Tovika k Sumi, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
  2. Ms. Orentsani, Assistant professor, Department of Sociology