Greetings everyone.
On 30th July, we celebrated a very special day in the lives of the Class of 2021 – Graduation Day.
We were honoured to hear a very impactful and meaningful speech from our commencement speaker, Dr. Paul Pimomo, Professor Emeritus at Central Washington University in the United States. His speech is an important message everyone should view on our Youtube channel or read in this month’s newsletter.
To the graduating class of 2021 – You are the second batch of students graduating online at Tetso – the first was the Class of 2020. Indeed, the year 2020 was an unprecedented year for the world and 2021 has not been that different. As you know the Tetso family has experienced so many changes, through online learning and met with a lot of unexpected events and uncertainty too due to the pandemic. But we do know for certain that our Founder Principal Emeritus, late Dr. P.S. Lorin would have been extremely proud of you all and that his blessings remain with each and everyone of you as you step into the next stage of life. In honour of the late Founders life, we are also glad that through the Dr. P.S. Lorin Financial Aid Scholarship, three deserving students – Alokali A Nurumi (MA Political Science), Imlitila Pongener (BA English) and Nutselu Ringa (BA Political Science) – received the scholarship to pursue their studies at Tetso.
I congratulate our students from the Undergraduate and Higher Secondary Level for your success in becoming the Tetso College Class of 2021. This year at the UG Level we had 4 gold medalists – Cynthia Zeuzeule (Eng Hons), Ratna (BCom Finance and Accounting Hons), Akuminla Pongener (BBA), and Inato (BBA). 416 students at the UG Level graduated this year, while at the Higher Secondary level we had 47 graduates with Inato as the valedictorian from the UG Level and Milleni Chishi as the valedictorian from the HS Level. Well done to all of you.
While congratulating you all on your achievements, I felt it important to remind you of a few things before you move on from Tetso and even for those coming back. At Tetso we believe that excellence and success is not about achieving a degree alone, rather, it is about doing something with your learning and experiences. Remember that each and everyone of you has an important role to play in this world. As our vision states – We are here to create a positive impact in the world.
Do you remember when you first came to Tetso and how Tetso College welcomed you? Tetso College welcomes everyone, but if you’ll notice, not everyone has been able to survive the rigours of education or life at Tetso – be it student or staff. Yet, all of you students graduating today have done it, you have earned your achievement through your hard work and you have made all of us – the Tetso family, your parents, your families proud of you. So please do go out there with full confidence and make the world your oyster.
You must believe that each one of you in our own unique way can make the world better. For this, you also need to be surrounded by the right people – those who believe in you, those who inspire you, and those who can challenge you. It’s equally important to be the right person for the other. Everyone at Tetso must remember this, and provide unfailing support to one another whether it be while studying here or moving beyond.
We trust that you will go on to do something with your education – secure a job or proceed for further studies; what we do not wish for anyone is for you to be sitting idle at home and doing nothing. Work constantly at being involved, being active and engaging yourself as we want for all of you to be big dreamers, smart thinkers and confident doers.
Once again congratulations to the class of 2021, good luck and always strive for excellence.
Best Regards,
Dr. Hewasa L. Khing
Principal – Tetso College

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On the occasion of Van Mahotsav (Forestry Week) from 1st July – 7th July 2021, volunteers of Tetso NSS planted tree saplings in their neighborhood. This festival is celebrated every year in the first week of July to raise awareness of tree plantation and forest conservation.
The Department of Psychology, Tetso College, conducted a live webinar on 12th July to discuss the Honours programme in Psychology at Tetso College.
Psychology provides tools and knowledge for a contemporary approach to the study of the human mind. The most significant is the understanding of human behaviour and learning to apply psychological science to a variety of contemporary social challenges.
As we observed Tetso College Day of Prayer on 11th July 2021, the Tetso Family gave all honour, glory and gratitude to God for His unceasing blessings and continues to seek His wisdom and guidance. The prayer points were:
- Praise God for the excellent result & for the 4 gold medalists (2 in BBA, BA English & BCom Accountancy).
- Pray for the new academic year with the introduction of two new courses: BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) & BA Linguistics.
- Pray for our new principal Dr. Hewasa L. Khing in her new leadership role.
- Pray for CRBC members Jonathan Mesen & Executive Secretary Haiwalo Apon who are in the IQAC and Board of Directors.
- Pray for the staff and students who lost loved ones during this period because of the pandemic that God may comfort them.
Congratulations to Keshab Raj (BBA, Class of 2021) on being selected by Wipro, the 9th largest employer in India with nearly 195,000 employees, as an Outsourcing Resource Executive and Ria Jain (BCom, Class of 2021) on being selected by Allstate Corporation, ranked 79th in the 2019 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue, as an Offer Management Executive.
We wish you all the best as you kickstart your professional life. Strive For Excellence!
Tetso College City campus was inaugurated by Shri R Khing, Advisor Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Woman Resources Development on 17th July 2021. The dedicatory prayer was led by Pastor Gwanilo Khing, Rengma Baptist Church Sovima. Briefing media persons and well-wishers, Kvulo Lorin, Director, Tetso College, highlighted that the center will be an integrated campus of Tetso College focusing on placements and professional upscaling such as IAS coaching in association with ALS IAS Coaching Delhi, financial literacy in association with Sapient Wealth and hybrid communication skills and online tools through TetsoEd. The center will also serve as a hotspot for Tetso College staff for accessing high speed internet while supplementing existing programmes of the college, he added.
Shri R Khing spoke about the competitive world today and the clash of the modern with the past. “We live in a changing world, an era of competition and this center is a platform for our youth to be at par with the rest of the world,” he maintained, while lauding the initiative taken up by Tetso College. Mr. Khing also expressed optimism that the coaching academy here will produce many Naga IAS officers in the near future.
He praised the college for focussing on not just acquiring a degree and expanding their services to empower students in the field of competitive exams and also in focussing on financial literacy.
With respect to finance he highlighted how the concept of savings has gone through a drastic change from the time when we counted livestock and harvest as measures of wealth to today’s age where we can look beyond physical storages of wealth to financial asset classes.
Because of technology, the world is now smaller and we need to broaden our horizons to think globally and compete at the same level. Our nagas are very smart and capable of competing at the same level.
A free webinar on Career Opportunities in Economics was organized by the Department of Economic on 23rd July 2021.
Economics, at its very heart, is the study of people. It seeks to explain what drives human behaviour, decisions and reactions when faced with difficulties or successes. Economics is a discipline which combines politics, sociology, psychology and history. It lays the foundation for other disciplines such as business and management and public policy. An economics degree gives you a high level of mathematical and statistical skills and the ability to apply economic principles and models to problems in business, finance and the public sector.
A career in Economics will help you understand social aspects such as choices, optimum resource mobilization, policies, unemployment, poverty and much more ranging from micro to macro level. It will prepare you with analytical and problem-solving skills regarding everyday life decisions.
In the case of Nagaland, there are a multitude of challenges with unemployment and low productivity being the crux of the problem. The duty is ours to face these issues and bring about viable solutions both at local and global level.
- Pallavi Kumari Singh Rank 1 in NBSE HSSLC 2021 (Commerce) from Pranab Vidyapith Higher Secondary School, Dimapur joins our college to pursue BCom Accounting & Finance.
- Thangring Langthasa, Rank 2 in NBSE HSSLC 2021 (Commerce) from Pranab Vidyapith Higher Secondary School, Dimapur joins our college to pursue BCom Accounting & Finance.
- Sushen Debnath, Rank 3 in NBSE HSSLC 2021 (Commerce) from Pranab Vidyapith Higher Secondary School, Dimapur joins our college to pursue BCom Accounting & Finance.
- Yimtiyong Longkumer, Rank 7 in NBSE HSSLC 2021 (Arts) from Unity Christian Higher Secondary School, Dimapur joined our college to pursue BA History Honours.
Dr. Paul Pimomo, Emeritus Professor at Central Washington University, graces event as Commencement Speaker
A virtual graduation ceremony celebrating the success of the Undergraduate and Higher Secondary Class of 2021, Tetso College was held on Friday, the 30th of July, 2021 with Dr. Paul Pimomo, Emeritus Professor at Central Washington University, USA, as Commencement Speaker for the event.
A total of approximately 2,118 participants including the graduating classes, parents, teachers, staff, juniors, and well-wishers joined the ceremony in congratulating the passing out students which was held virtually on Google Meet and streamed live via YouTube.
The programme was chaired by Dr. Nouzhienino Peseyie, Asst. Professor, Department of Psychology, Tetso College which began with an opening prayer led by Jonathan Mesen, Youth Secretary, Council of Rengma Baptist Churches, Zunpha while H. Margereth of BA 5th Semester enthralled the congregation with a special song titled ‘A Million Dreams.’
In her welcome address, Dr. Hewasa L. Khing, Principal, Tetso College warmly welcomed the commencement speaker and thanked all the participants for gracing the auspicious occasion with their presence. While regretting that the ceremony could not take place in person owing to the present circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Hewasa asserted that the college has tried their best in giving the students a befitting graduation ceremony. In honour of the late college founder’s life, she introduced the Dr. P.S. Lorin Financial Aid Scholarship which seeks to provide financial aid to students from the far flung areas of Nagaland.
Further, she mentioned that 416 undergraduate students among whom are four gold medalists – Akuminla Pongetsür, Cynthia Zeuzeule, Inato Aye and Ratna – and 47 higher secondary students are graduating this year. She congratulated the students on their achievements and hoped that they were ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that the ever changing world presents. “Be involved, be active and engage yourself. We want for you to be big dreamers, smart thinkers and confident doers,” she added.
Dr. Paul Pimomo, speaking as commencement speaker, firstly expressed his warm sentiments for late Dr. P. S. Lorin, Founder and Principal Emeritus of Tetso College, and his family, of their friendship and how the two families have been closely attached with each other.
Lamenting that the pandemic has been a very difficult time for all, Dr. Pimomo stated that it has been a season of confusion and divides. He spoke of two realities in the world ushered in by the pandemic – first the massive tragedy and suffering on a global scale. The second reality, he said, is the other side of the tragedy – the simple fact of human caring and love for one another.
“As we do our part to eradicate the pandemic still raging in many parts of the world, let this day of your graduation be a celebration of the other side of the pandemic in your lives. A day in which you plant two seeds of caring and empathy and professional excellence for the common good,” he exhorted.
He concluded with a blessing in the form of a formal prayer for the graduates reminding them to “advance mindfully in life and in life’s journey.”
Meanwhile, a moment of silence was observed in grateful remembrance of late Dr. P. S. Lorin’s exemplary personal life and immensely successful work in higher education in Nagaland.
Class valedictorians Inato Aye from the UG level and Milleni Chisho from higher secondary also presented speeches.
In conclusion, Dr. Tatongkala, HoD, Department of History, Tetso College delivered the note of appreciation thanking the speaker, participants, the organizing committee and the IT Team of the college for the success of the event.
Tetso NSS Unit participated in the mass plantation drive organized by 173 BN CRPF in Chumukedima on 31st July 2021. 13 colleges participated in the drive and 120 volunteers, including 15 from Tetso NSS Unit, contributed by planting one sapling each.
DOT Talks in collaboration with the Department of Political Science held an Online Lecture Series titled ‘The Relevance and Significance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Today & Tomorrow’. The sixth lecture in the series is called ‘Beyond Protective Discoloration: Ambedkar on Conversion’ and was delivered by Prof. Soumyabrata Choudhury on 29th July 2021.
Abstract: The thesis I want to argue in this paper is the following: The distinctive contribution that B. R. Ambedkar made to the question of conversion, which hitherto had been dominantly presented as a politico-theological question, was to clarify it with a new tool of thought. This tool was a complexly articulated theory of names found in the essay “Away from the Hindus”. Ambedkar wrote this essay in the wake of the resolution passed in the 1936 Mahar Conference in Bombay that the Mahars henceforth were abandoning Hinduism and were open to converting to some other religion. I would like to argue that only upon a sufficient appreciation of this theory of names, in all its semiotic, paradigmatic and existential richness, will we be able to grasp the implications of this theory for the historical terrain upon which they worked their effects. Only then can we undertake the further more perilous, and surely more urgent, task of moving from Ambedkar on conversion to Ambedkar’s conversion. In the last part of the presentation I would like to briefly talk about Ambedkar’s conversion along with a large number of other people coming from erstwhile untouchable castes in 1956 Nagpur. I would like to discuss this event not just as a theological and religious affair but also as an attempt to create a new political subject but on the ground of emancipated religion. In this sense conversion was also meant to be emancipation. Finally I would like to examine the present day retreat from this ideal of emancipation towards a fear of conversion and return to religion as the theological alibi for social oppression.
About the Speaker: Soumyabrata Choudhury is Associate Professor at the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He has authored Theatre, Number, Event: Three Studies on the Relationship between Sovereignty, Power and Truth, Ambedkar and Other Immortals: An Untouchable Research Programme and articles on ancient Greek liturgy, the staging of Ibsen, psychoanalysis, Phule, Nietzsche, Ambedkar and Hegel. His latest book is Now It’s Come To Distances: Notes on Coronavirus and Shaheen Bagh, Association and Isolation.
The Departments of Political Science and Education, Tetso College organized an online ‘Workshop on New Education Policy 2020’ with Prof. Amar Prakash Garg, Vice Chancellor, Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, as the resource speaker 4th August 2021.
Abstract: After a gap of 34 years, the first education policy of 21st Century was approved by the Government of India on 29th July, 2020 with an aim to transform present education system by 2040. National Education Policy (NEP-2020) is based on 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 in place of existing 10+2+3 system. Ministry of Human Resource & Development (MHRD) is now named as the Ministry of Education. The foundational principles of NEP-2020 are Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability and Accountability to make good human beings with rational and creative thinking, creative imagination, scientific temper, ethical values, courage, social impact to rebuild Bharat (India) as “Vishwa Guru”. The reforms and objectives of the NEP 2020 are provided from a broader perspective, and it’s not mandatory for State Governments to follow them. They may change or alter as per the needs of the State and the local requirements. It is suggested that central and state governments should substantially increase the spending on education to attain the goals with excellence and the corresponding multitude of socio-economic benefits. NEP-2020 is a big revolution replacing the 34-year-old policy and envisioning to bring about the much-needed modification in the Indian Education System. NEP has great potential to revamp the skills of the youth of our country and has all the right tools that are needed to be competitive at the global level.
About the speaker: Prof. Amar Prakash Garg is the Vice Chancellor of Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut. He is an Ex-Professor & Founder Head, Microbiology, C.C.S. University, Meerut, with teaching & research experience of 42 years in Microbiology & Biotechnology. He has supervised 34 Ph.D. and more than 75 M.Phil. and published more than 110 research papers.
The recipients for various scholarships this year are:
Tetso Excellence Scholarship
- Pallavi Kumari Singh, Rank 1 (BCOM, Accounts and Finance)
- Yimtiyong Longkumer, Rank 7 (BA, History)
- Sushen Debnath, Rank 3 (BCOM, Accounts and Finance)
- Thangring Langthasa, Rank 2 (BCOM, Accounts and Finance)
Dr. P. S. Lorin Financial Aid Scholarship
- Alokali A Nurumi, Zunheboto (MA, Political Science)
- Imlitila Pongener, Mokokchung (BA, English)
- Nutselu Ringa, Dimapur (BA, Political Science)
Tetso CRBC Scholarship
- Abenle Lorin (BCOM, Accounts and Finance)
- Kehinye Seb (Class 11 Arts)