OBC Cell

OBC Committee:

The OBC cell of Tetso college aims to assist and empower the OBC students in various aspects of life and to ensure proper implementation of various schemes by the UGC, Government of India, State Government concerning scholarships, stipends, etc

OBJECTIVES of the cell:

  1. To educate, enlighten and empower the students to make use of the facilities extended by the Government and any other  external bodies for their educational & occupational career.
  2. To provide a platform where students can share their concerns and resolve issues, grievances, representations, etc.
  3. To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy and programmes of the Government and UGC.
  4. To circulate the orders and other circulars issued by the University/ Government of India and UGC ( University Grant Commission).
  5. To organize and monitor special coaching/training programs to prepare students for competitive examinations.